Pilots Trade Network Elite: Dangerous

PTN RawMart Guide

This guide is orig­i­nal­ly from our Dis­cord serv­er, from where it has been repro­duced with slight adap­ta­tions.
All names with a # in front of them are ref­er­ences to chan­nels on the serv­er, like­wise all names with an @ in front of them are refer­ances to roles. You can find this guide in #🧱raw­mart-guide. Click here to join our Dis­cord server.

Introduction – What is Rawmart?

There are 3 main mate­ri­als that play­ers need to engi­neer their ships.
  • Encod­ed Data, usu­al­ly obtained by scan­ning things, like ships or wakes, or out­post data ports.
  • Man­u­fac­tured Mate­ri­als, usu­al­ly obtained from mis­sion rewards, col­lect­ing from ground sites, and Emis­sion sig­nal sources in space.
  • Raw Mate­ri­als, usu­al­ly col­lect­ed from ground sources on planets/moons.
Most Raw Mate­ri­als, are easy to obtain as you dri­ve around in your SRV.
How­ev­er the grade 4 mate­ri­als :-
  • Polo­ni­um
  • Tel­luri­um
  • Ruthe­ni­um
  • Tech­netium
  • Yttri­um
  • Anti­mo­ny
Are only encoun­tered rarely. This can result in play­ers not being able to com­plete Grade 5 engi­neer upgrades, due to a lack of these G4 resources. How­ev­er, there is a way to ‘farm’ these G4 raw mate­ri­als. In the game there are, what is called, Crys­talline Shards. These Crys­talline Shards will drop one of the G4 mate­ri­als per moon. There’s only 2 issues.
  1. The sites are over 1600ly away.
  2. Once you get to the sys­tem, the moons with the shards are 350,000 ls away from the jump in.
This is where Raw­mart comes in. We at P.T.N, will reg­u­lar­ly sched­ule some car­ri­ers to take you to the two sys­tems involved. And after a day or so in each loca­tion, they’ll then bring you back to the bub­ble. These car­ri­ers leave from the Cro­movit sys­tem. It has a raw mate­ri­als trad­er at Watts Instal­la­tion and is also close to Shin­rar­ta Dezhra, so you can trade down any raw mats or make any tweaks to your out­fit­ting before we leave.
The cur­rent sched­ule can be found in the #📣shut­tle-announce­ments channel.
Below is a guide to farm­ing the Crys­talline Shards.

What do you need to bring?

A small or medi­um sized ship is rec­om­mend­ed for ease of land­ing at the mate­r­i­al sites, best out­fit­ted with:

  • An SRV bay with (if pos­si­ble) mul­ti­ple SRVs
  • A Detailed Sur­face Scan­ner (DSS)

In order to find the Crys­tal Shard sites you need to DSS the tar­get plan­et, set­ting the fil­ter to Crys­talline Shards.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, there is no nav­i­ga­tion pan­el mark­er for you to select sites from in the live client to nav­i­gate towards.

This video from D2EA shows the process nice­ly and is the source of the mate­r­i­al sites for this service.

Anoth­er handy guide from the Fron­tier Forums.

Don’t for­get: Vis­it a Raw Mate­r­i­al Trad­er before leav­ing the bub­ble, to make room by down­grad­ing your stocks of the mate­ri­als you intend to collect.

Gen­er­al Dis­tances involved:

Sol       <1599 ly> HIP 36601
Sol       <1714 ly> Outotz LS-K d8-3
HIP 36601 < 407 ly> Outotz LS-K d8-3

Finding The Shards

Unfor­tu­nate­ly in the Live game, there are no nav­i­ga­tion points to aim towards. Instead there are coor­di­nates for good clus­ters of Crys­tal Shards that peo­ple have found.

Those loca­tions are giv­en in Lat­i­tude / Lon­gi­tude for :

Polo­ni­umHIP 36601C 1 A-31.03 / 14.85
Tel­luri­umHIP 36601C 3 B0.16 / ‑104.68
Tel­luri­umHIP 36602C 3 B0.33 / ‑105.03
Ruthe­ni­umHIP 36601C 1 D7.24 / ‑37.66
Ruthe­ni­umHIP 36602C 1 D8.33 / ‑37.74
Tech­netiumHIP 36601C 5 A7.10 / ‑23.65
Tech­netiumHIP 36602C 5 A6.82 / ‑23.81
Yttri­umOut­otz LS‑K D8‑3B 5 A16.79 / ‑40.13
Anti­mo­nyOut­otz LS‑K D8‑3B 5 C-66.01 / 83.66

These coor­di­nates are eas­i­ly com­pa­ra­ble to the Lega­cy POI sig­nals, where you can get a full bin of mate­ri­als filled from scratch in around 15 minutes.

Man­u­al­ly fly­ing to a set of coor­di­nates is not easy and EDDis­cov­ery has a com­pass func­tion to help with that. EDDis­cov­ery’s Com­pass pan­el can be used as trans­par­ent over­lay win­dow, dis­play­ing guid­ance dur­ing approach towards a body. Exam­ple video how to set­up and how to use.

The first time col­lect­ing each grade 4 mate­r­i­al the game might dis­play 100 of a mate­r­i­al as the max­i­mum val­ue. If you see this, Rel­og! This is sim­ply a bug, as 150 is the max­i­mum amount for grade 4 raw materials.

Coor­di­nates cour­tesy of u/xenophonf and u/Hellrider_88 orig­i­nal­ly post­ed to Red­dit, also , and @tazorian


There is one G4 Raw Mate­r­i­al, that is not avail­able at shard site. This mate­r­i­al is Sele­ni­um.

The fol­low­ing web­site https://edtools.cc/selenium is a site which lists gener­ic plan­ets where Sele­ni­um, can be found.

There is one mapped spot to make the process even faster:

Kappa-1 Volantis Body B3F A
434 ly from Sol (Lat: 44.7120, Long -61.5700)

Each brain tree that is marked on the map has a poly­porous growth that will always yield 3 sele­ni­um. Shoot them from far away or even from above. 30 Sele­ni­um per run.

Once you have fol­lowed the map, logout of the game entire­ly, and relaunch the game to have the trees respawn. Map by

This video by D2EA shows how to col­lect from brain trees.

Alternate Braintree Farming Method for Selenium

With U16 update fix­ing aster­oid col­li­sions, this has also vast­ly improved the return rate for limpets col­lect­ing shard frag­ments. They can now final­ly pick up stuff from the ground. Where you could only snatch stuff on low grav­i­ty moons before, You don’t even have to get out of your ship.

What you will need:

  • col­lec­tor limpet controllers
  • car­go racks for limpets
  • lots of limpets
  • a flechette (or 1–2 flak launch­ers if you don’t have them unlocked)

Your com­mon min­ing ship is usu­al­ly a good start­ing point for this. Just add a launch­er and you are golden.


  • find a brain tree for­est (there are no shard sites for Selenium)
  • get in place above it, but DON’T fire your limpets yet
  • cov­er the for­est with flechette rounds
  • now back off and increase your alti­tude slow­ly until the trees disappear
  • unleash the limpet swarm
  • be swift, mats on the ground decay rather quickly

The new method of choice from my point of view is flechette + limpets, no need for a SRV. Cred­it goes to for shar­ing this method with the community.

Here is a Video made by of the new method in action.

Alternate Flechette/Flak Launcher Method for Shards

The Flechette/Flak launch­er method also works with Crys­talline Shards. How­ev­er the method is slight­ly dif­fer­ent, so is includ­ed here.

What you need:

  • col­lec­tor limpet controllers
  • car­go racks for limpets
  • lots of limpets
  • a flechette (or 1–2 flak launch­ers if you don’t have them unlocked)

Your com­mon min­ing ship is usu­al­ly a good start­ing point for this. Just add a launch­er and you are golden.

Edit from : It has been report­ed that Flak Launch­ers are eas­i­er to obtain, and safer to use than Flechettes. So they may be the bet­ter choice.

How to limpet farm:

  • find one of the new shard sites in the live version
  • hov­er some 150m or so cen­tral­ly above the site nose down and spam as many limpets as you can
  • open hatch
  • blast the site with flechettes (be quick or you’ll shoot your own limpets)
  • respam limpets as need­ed (they will die eventually)

If you need more mats just rel­og via desk­top to refresh the site. You can also play around with your angle to ground if you have the feel­ing the return rate is too poor.
Hap­py farming!

Bonus: Lega­cy mode Raw Mate­r­i­al farm­ing. The basic idea of limpet farm­ing worked in Lega­cy mode already:

  • find a crys­tal for­est on a moon with grav­i­ty no high­er than 0.06g
  • hov­er some 150m or so cen­tral­ly above the site nose down and spam as many limpets as you can
  • open hatch
  • eye­ball the site and divide the whole for­est into areas
  • pick the first area and blast it with a flechette
  • try to time the det­o­na­tion at ground lev­el so the explo­sion can push the shards upwards
  • wait for the limpets to col­lect any­thing airborne
  • once your limpets kill them­selves by hit­ting the ground
  • rel­og via main menu
  • aim at the next area and repeat
  • if you run out of areas before fill­ing up just fly to the next forest

With this method the ter­rain becomes irrel­e­vant, as you don’t have to use your SRV. Just pick any of the sites shown in the con­tact screen. They all work.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly this only works for very low g pota­to moons. Any­thing with a high­er grav­i­ty pulls the mats to the ground before the limpets can snatch them.

Cred­it goes to