Pilots Trade Network Elite: Dangerous

Guides Homepage

Carrier Trade Mission Guide

A sim­ple and reli­able and way to make lots of cred­its quick­ly no mat­ter your bank balance.

Wing Mining Missions Guide

Huge prof­it poten­tial for CMDRs that can meet the buy-in cost. No actu­al min­ing involved.

PTN Booze Cruise Guide

A unique expe­ri­ence haul­ing wine in medi­um-ships at the roof of the galaxy.

AFK Wing Massacre Mission Guide

An alter­na­tive way to earn for CMDRs who can afford a ful­ly-kit­ted Type 10.

Odyssey Beginners Guide

A sim­ple guide to get­ting start­ed in Elite Dan­ger­ous Odyssey, along with some tips to improve on-foot gameplay.

Robigo Mines Tourist Guide

An old play­er favourite, gen­er­at­ing cash via sim­ple tourist missions.

Fleet Carrier Owners Guide

A guide to teach the basics of how to use your new carrier.

New Carrier Owner’s Guide to Trade

Use your own Fleet Car­ri­er to get start­ed with bulk trading.