Pilots Trade Network Elite: Dangerous


Table of Contents

Pur­chas­ing Your Car­ri­er
Decom­mis­sion­ing Your Carrier

Purchasing Your Carrier


As you are prepar­ing to get your car­ri­er, we rec­om­mend that you save around 7 bil­lion cred­its before buy­ing your car­ri­er. Doing this allows you to have enough cred­its for the car­ri­er, as well as any ser­vices you may want. Wait­ing to get 7 bil­lion cred­its also ensures that you will have cred­its left over for rebuys, and for car­go if you want to start trad­ing right away.

Where To Buy

Once you have your cred­its, head over to a Fleet Car­ri­er Ven­dor. Once you arrive at one of these sta­tions, you can find the car­ri­er ven­dor in the Con­tacts tab of the sta­tion ser­vices menu. The fol­low­ing are fleet car­ri­er ven­dor stations:

Sta­tion – Sys­tem
Kepler Gate­way – Kruger 60
Kuo Ter­mi­nal – Skeg­giko O
Garan Hub – Panoi
Mac­don­ald Set­tle­ment – Alcor
Jaco­bi Plat­form – Lan Tzak
Shif­nal­port – Diso
Jol­liet Enter­pris­es – Nam­netes
Jack­son Ring – CD-47 990
Laplace Ring – Bal­ante
Enoch Port – Agartha
Mac­gre­gor Orbital – Kakmbu­tan
Clark Port – Ehlan­da
Jaques Sta­tion – Colonia


Every car­ri­er has the abil­i­ty to add Option­al Ser­vices. These option­al ser­vices cost cred­its and take up car­go space. In order to install or unin­stall option­al ser­vices, your car­ri­er needs to be in a Fleet Car­ri­er Admin­is­tra­tion sys­tem. There are many of these sys­tems, and they can be searched for on Inara.

Refuel Station

This ser­vice allows all com­man­ders to refu­el their ships when docked at your carrier.

Repair Crews

This ser­vice allows all com­man­ders to repair their ships when docked at your carrier.


This ser­vice allows all com­man­ders to refill ammo and pur­chase limpets when docked at your carrier.

Redemption Office

This ser­vice allows all com­man­ders to redeem boun­ty vouch­ers and com­bat bonds while docked at your car­ri­er. Note: this ser­vice has a 25% ser­vice fee.


This ser­vice allows all com­man­ders to store and pur­chase ships while docked at your car­ri­er. Note: the car­ri­er own­er is able to store ships on their car­ri­er with­out pur­chas­ing this service.


This ser­vice allows all com­man­ders to store mod­ules, pur­chase mod­ules, and mod­i­fy their ships out­fit­ting while docked at your car­ri­er. Note: the car­ri­er own­er is able to store mod­ules and mod­i­fy their ships’ out­fit­ting with­out pur­chas­ing this service.

secure Warehouse

This ser­vice allows com­man­ders to buy and sell stolen goods while docked at your car­ri­er. Note: this ser­vice has a 25% ser­vice fee.

Universal Cartographics

This ser­vice allows all com­man­ders to sell explo­ration data while docked at your car­ri­er. Note: this ser­vice has a 25% ser­vice fee.

Concourse Bar

This Odyssey ser­vice allows all com­man­ders to buy and sell Odyssey mate­ri­als while docked at your carrier.

Vista Genomics

This Odyssey ser­vice allows all com­man­ders to redeem exo­bi­ol­o­gy genet­ic sam­ples while docked at your carrier.

Pioneer Supplies

This Odyssey ser­vice allows all com­man­ders to buy, sell and upgrade hand­held weapons, suits and supplies.


Fleet Car­ri­ers have a max­i­mum jump range of 500LY per jump. Car­ri­ers can only plot one jump at a time, unlike when you are in your ship. Each jump con­sumes an amount of Tri­tium based on the length of the jump and the amount of car­go space used on the car­ri­er. Each jump also costs 100,000 cred­its per jump in upkeep costs. Jumps can be can­celled as long as the timer is above 10 minutes.

Once you plot a jump, a timer starts. The length of this timer varies based on serv­er traf­fic, but can be no short­er than 15:06. Once your timer reach­es 3:20, the car­ri­er goes into lock­down. Dur­ing this lock­down, all ser­vices are sus­pend­ed, all ships are forced into the hang­ers, and on-foot pas­sen­gers are forced into their seats for the dura­tion of the jump. No ships can land or take off dur­ing lock­down. Once your car­ri­er arrives in the tar­get sys­tem, there will be a short peri­od of cooldown before you can plot your next jump. This cooldown time is shown on the Nav­i­ga­tion pan­el of the Car­ri­er Man­age­ment screen.

You can also book­mark your car­ri­er and add it to your Favorites list, to make it eas­i­er to find and plot to in the galaxy map.

How To Plot

In order to plot a jump in your fleet car­ri­er, first nav­i­gate to the Fleet Car­ri­er Man­age­ment screen. This can be accessed both while on the car­ri­er, and remote­ly (from the home tab of your right panel).

Once in the Car­ri­er Man­age­ment screen, open the Nav­i­ga­tion tab. Click on the **Open Galaxy Map** but­ton. This opens the galaxy map, just like when plot­ting in your ship. Here you can enter your tar­get sys­tem in the search box at the top. Click­ing on your tar­get sys­tem name brings up more info about the sys­tem, along with a **Set Car­ri­er Des­ti­na­tion** but­ton. This will plot to the sys­tem, but will not allow you to choose a spe­cif­ic body to plot to.

To plot to a spe­cif­ic body, you will need sys­tem data for your tar­get sys­tem. Once you click on your tar­get sys­tem, there is a **View Sys­tem Map** icon on the right icon pan­el. Click­ing this will open up a sys­tem map, and you can choose any of the plan­e­tary bod­ies, includ­ing the stars, to plot your car­ri­er to.

Stars and plan­e­tary bod­ies do have lim­its for the num­ber of car­ri­ers than can be in orbit, and if there is a red car­ri­er icon over a body, that means it is full.


Fleet Car­ri­ers use Tri­tium as fuel. Tri­tium can be pur­chased or mined. The Tri­tium Depot, which is the car­ri­er’s “fuel tank” can hold 1000 tons of Tritium.

Tri­tium can only be trans­ferred to the Depot from a ship. This means that either you or anoth­er com­man­der need to be docked on the car­ri­er in order to refu­el the car­ri­er’s Depot.


Fleet Car­ri­ers have a total car­go capac­i­ty of 25000 tons. Ser­vices that are installed take up a por­tion of this car­go capac­i­ty. If you have ship­yard and/or out­fit­ting ser­vices installed, and stock ships and/or mod­ules, the ship and mod­ule packs take up car­go capac­i­ty as well.

The fol­low­ing things do not take up car­go space:

  • play­er ships stored in a shipyard
  • play­er mod­ules stored in outfitting
  • tri­tium in the car­ri­er’s fuel depot
  • Odyssey mate­ri­als stored on the carrier

Transferring Items

Items can be trans­ferred to and from a car­ri­er’s car­go using two dif­fer­ent meth­ods. The first method is through the Inven­to­ry tab of the Right Pan­el on your ship. This is usu­al­ly the eas­i­est way to trans­fer goods to your own car­ri­er quickly. 

There is an option to trans­fer all car­go from your ship to your car­ri­er. This works great for emp­ty­ing your ship’s car­go to your car­ri­er. The option to trans­fer all car­go from the car­ri­er to your ship will only work if there is enough space in your ship’s car­go for *every­thing* in your car­ri­er’s cargo.

Using the com­modi­ties mar­ket is the sec­ond way to move car­go from your ship to the car­ri­er. Set a buy order to trans­fer goods from your ship to the car­ri­er, and set a sell order to move goods from the car­ri­er to your ship.


Prof­it split

To set the mar­ket on your fleet car­ri­er, you first need to enter the Car­ri­er Man­age­ment page. Once there, open the Com­mod­i­ty Trad­ing tab on the left side and click Man­age Market.

Once you click Man­age Mar­ket, you get a screen sim­i­lar to the Com­modi­ties Mar­ket. You can click any of the com­modi­ties you see, and set a trade by click­ing the box next to “Trade This Com­mod­i­ty”. You can then choose whether the car­ri­er will buy or sell that com­mod­i­ty. Here is also where you can choose the price and quan­ti­ty (if applic­a­ble) for the trade you are set­ting up. Once every­thing is set how you want, click Apply. Please note: buy orders can­not exceed 2 bil­lion cred­its at any giv­en time. If you want to buy more com­modi­ties than this 2 bil­lion lim­it allows, you will either need to low­er the buy price or renew the order later.

One impor­tant thing to note is: sell orders will remain open after the stock is deplet­ed, but they won’t show up. If you trans­fer more of that com­mod­i­ty to your car­ri­er through the right Inven­to­ry pan­el, it will show up in the Com­modi­ties Mar­ket again as a sell order. To stop this, set a buy order for at least 1 unit of that com­mod­i­ty and then un-check the box to trade that commodity.


Prof­it split

The ship­yard ser­vice on your car­ri­er can store ships as well as sell them. As the car­ri­er own­er, you can store ships on your own car­ri­er with­out hav­ing this ser­vice installed, but oth­er play­ers will need the ser­vice installed to be able to store their ships on your carrier.

Selling Ships

Prof­it split

Ships sold from the ship­yard on your car­ri­er are grouped in packs, based on dif­fer­ent types of activ­i­ties in the game, and dif­fer­ent lev­els. You are not able to pick and choose which ships are avail­able in each pack. To pur­chase packs or refill stock, you need to have your car­ri­er in a Fleet Car­ri­er Admin­is­tra­tion sys­tem. Each pack that you pur­chase takes up car­go space on your car­ri­er in addi­tion to the car­go space that the ship­yard mod­ule takes.

Fed­er­al and Impe­r­i­al ships, which need to be unlocked with rep­u­ta­tion, are not avail­able for pur­chase on carriers.


Prof­it split

Out­fit­ting ser­vices on your car­ri­er can store mod­ules as well as sell them. As the car­ri­er own­er, you can store mod­ules on your own car­ri­er with­out hav­ing this ser­vice installed, but oth­er play­ers will need the ser­vice installed to be able to store their ships on your carrier.

Selling Modules

Prof­it split

Sim­i­lar to the ship­yard, mod­ules sold on your car­ri­er are grouped in packs. These packs are based on the use of each mod­ule, and are sold in dif­fer­ent tiers. Mul­ti­ple tiers of the same type of pack can not be sold simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. Dif­fer­ent tiers have dif­fer­ent class lev­els of the offered mod­ules, and dif­fer­ent amounts of each mod­ule offered.

Like with sell­ing ships on the ship­yard, the packs that you pur­chase in Out­fit­ting take up car­go space in addi­tion to the car­go space that the Out­fit­ting ser­vice takes itself.

Guardian mod­ules and pre-engi­neered mod­ules are not avail­able for sale from car­ri­er Out­fit­ting services.

Decommissioning Your Carrier

Prof­it split

Fleet Car­ri­ers can be decom­mis­sioned at any time. You will receive your 5 bil­lion cred­its back, minus a 150 mil­lion cred­it fee for decom­mis­sion­ing. Any car­go that is stored on your car­ri­er will be sold for the galac­tic aver­age price at the time of decom­mis­sion. To decom­mis­sion your car­ri­er, go to the Car­ri­er Man­age­ment screen and under Set­tings, choose Decom­mis­sion Car­ri­er. Please only decom­mis­sion your car­ri­er in an emp­ty sys­tem, to avoid block­ing park­ing spaces for every­one else.

Before decom­mis­sion­ing your car­ri­er, we rec­om­mend tak­ing it to a Fleet Car­ri­er Admin­is­tra­tion sys­tem to unin­stall any ser­vices and sell any stock of ships/modules that you have on the car­ri­er. Doing this will ensure that you get the val­ue of these ser­vices back as well. If you do not unin­stall ser­vices before decom­mis­sion­ing your car­ri­er, you will not get any of the cred­its back for the ser­vices.

If you wish to can­cel the process, you can do so as long as the car­ri­er is still pend­ing decom­mis­sion. Car­ri­ers will usu­al­ly be pend­ing decom­mis­sion until the next week­ly serv­er main­te­nance downtime.