Pilots Trade Network Elite: Dangerous

Mining Builds

Laser miners

Laser min­ing is the sim­ple, chill ver­sion of min­ing. You use prospec­tor limpets to find a rock with the resource you want, then shoot it with lasers until it’s “emp­ty”. For the cur­rent laser min­ing meta – the best resources to mine, and the best places to find them – check the pinned post in the EliteM­iners subreddit.

Note on trav­el­ling and sell­ing: Nowa­days you can usu­al­ly find a good min­ing spot with Fleet Car­ri­ers in orbit will­ing to buy what you mine, mean­ing you don’t have to under­take the often long and risky jour­ney to find a sta­tion to sell at your­self. (Many a new min­er has a sad tale to tell regard­ing los­ing car­go to pirates on the sell jour­ney, or get­ting to a sta­tion a hun­dred lightyears away only to find its price has dropped!) Regard­less, if you plan to trav­el long dis­tances with or with­out mined car­go, swap out some mod­ules for the high­est lev­el, high­est rat­ed fuel scoop you can, and a Guardian FSD Boost­er if you have one. You can store them at the near­est sta­tion before min­ing, then retrieve them when you’re done and ready to travel.

Note on Resource Extrac­tion Sites (RES sites): RES sites give a boost to frag­ments gained laser­min­ing from rocks, with high­er dan­ger sites giv­ing a big­ger boost. There are var­i­ous tricks to min­i­mize attacks by pirates but none are 100% reli­able. Nev­er­the­less, mapped Haz­ardous RES sites cur­rent­ly offer the best time:money ratio avail­able in Elite min­ing, pro­vid­ed you have access to a “big 3” ship and suf­fi­cient engi­neer­ing to defend your­self with­out sys­tem secu­ri­ty to help. High RES sites and low­er can be attempt­ed in less well defend­ed ships, but YMMV as to whether sys­tem secu­ri­ty is able to ade­quate­ly pro­tect you. For full guides and a wide vari­ety of maps, check the extreme­ly com­pre­hen­sive pinned post in r/EliteMiners.

Note on Limpets: All Limpet Con­trollers require limpet drones to work. Limpets are a gener­ic item which take up car­go space (1 limpet = 1 ton), and their role is deter­mined when they’re launched by a Limpet Con­troller. You pur­chase limpets at Advanced Main­te­nance on a Sta­tion or suit­ably-equipped Fleet Car­ri­er before head­ing to your min­ing site. You will repeat­ed­ly for­get to do this.


Asp Explorer //

Asp Explorer

Beginner’s Laser Asp

Overview: A great starter laser min­er, but if you see pirates then run.

Notes: An Asp is a nice ship to have and you can refit it as a bub­ble taxi or explo­ration ves­sel after you fin­ish using it for min­ing, but you’ll only need to make a cou­ple of runs to be able to afford a Python. There’s no rea­son to use an Asp for laser min­ing if you can afford any of the bet­ter ships list­ed below.

Python //


BEginner’s Laser Python

Overview: A direct upgrade to the Asp, and bet­ter able to sur­vive the odd pirate encounter – so long as you don’t try to fight.

Notes: A bi-weave shield will give you less stay­ing pow­er in each indi­vid­ual engage­ment but far more shields over the course of a min­ing run, par­tic­u­lar­ly if you’re a fan of litho­brak­ing. If you use A‑class, use Reboot/Repair to restore shields to 50% when­ev­er they drop below that and it’s safe to do so.

Anaconda //


Beginner’s Laser Anaconda

Overview: When all you have is cash, this ship will help you get more of it via apply­ing lasers to rocks. With­out engi­neer­ing, it can ade­quate­ly hold its own against begin­ner-lev­el pirates.

Notes: A bi-weave shield will give you less stay­ing pow­er in each indi­vid­ual engage­ment but far more shields over the course of a min­ing run, par­tic­u­lar­ly if you’re a fan of litho­brak­ing. If you use A‑class, use Reboot/Repair to restore shields to 50% when­ev­er they drop below that and it’s safe to do so.

Imperial Cutter //

Imperial Cutter

Laser Mining Cutter

Overview: You’ll run out of patience long before you run out of room for ore. The best unarmed laser miner.

Notes: The Cut­ter does­n’t stop well. Thank­ful­ly, plan­e­tary rings are full of large rocks/blocks of ice, and you have shields. This tech­nique is called “litho­brak­ing” and it can dra­mat­i­cal­ly cut down your tran­sit times!

Pur­chas­ing the Impe­r­i­al Cut­ter requires achiev­ing an Impe­r­i­al Navy rank of Duke!

Imperial Cutter //

Imperial Cutter

HazRes Cutter

Overview: The King of the RES site, noth­ing can hold more min­er­als or sur­vive as eas­i­ly as a Cutter.

Fight­er: You can use any fight­er you like, but for max­i­mum DPS and sur­viv­abil­i­ty for Dan­ger­ous NPC pilots and above, an Impe­r­i­al Gelid‑F Gu-97 is rec­om­mend­ed. It is how­ev­er rec­om­mend­ed to hire NPC pilots at Harm­less lev­el and train them up your­self, in which case a Rogue‑G F63 or Taipan may offer bet­ter survivability.


  • A bi-weave shield will give you less stay­ing pow­er in each indi­vid­ual engage­ment but far more shields over the course of a min­ing run, par­tic­u­lar­ly if you’re a fan of litho­brak­ing. How­ev­er, if you don’t mind tak­ing a break to use Reboot/Repair to restore shields to 50% when­ev­er they drop too far, you can use a 6A Pris­mat­ic Shield with Rein­forced/Hi-Cap to gain sig­nif­i­cant­ly more sur­viv­abil­i­ty; if you go this route, swap one of the Resis­tance Aug­ment­ed Shield Boost­ers to Ther­mal Resist, and add anoth­er rank of Over­charge to your Pow­er Plant.
  • Set pips to 4÷0÷2 when fight­ing pirates for max­i­mum survivability.
  • Bear in mind the neces­si­ty of not los­ing your place in a map (if doing a mapped run) lim­its your abil­i­ty to manoeuvre.
  • Swap­ping the nacelle-mount­ed min­ing laser to the huge hard­point makes frag­ment spawn man­age­ment sig­nif­i­cant­ly eas­i­er, and is fine for High RES sites or below. For Haz­ardous RES sites, an offen­sive weapon in the Huge slot is recommended.
Pur­chas­ing the Impe­r­i­al Cut­ter requires achiev­ing an Impe­r­i­al Navy rank of Duke!

Bi-weave Variant

Prismatic Variant

Core Miners

Core min­ing is more involved and “inter­est­ing” than laser min­ing, and works on almost entire­ly dif­fer­ent prin­ci­ples. As usu­al, the best resource for guides remains /r/EliteMiners. The fol­low­ing builds won’t fea­ture fight­ing capa­bil­i­ties as you will not engage in com­bat when start­ing a core min­ing ses­sion with only limpets. If you had to logout mid ses­sion, your best bet is to just drop what the pirates request.


Python //


Basic Core Python

Overview: Good core min­ing ship with­out engineering.

Notes: This python is your “all you real­ly need” Core min­ing ship before get­ting into engi­neer­ing. This build already works great and the engi­neer­ing improve­ments in the build below are just qual­i­ty of life improve­ments, as the biggest prob­lem this Python faces is its short jumprange. Up to 5 col­lec­tor limpets will gath­er the mate­ri­als and deliv­er them to your refin­ery. Set your fuel scoop to pow­er pri­or­i­ty 2, you don’t need it when min­ing with hard­points extended.

Python //


improved Core Python

Overview: Part­ly engi­neered fast core min­er with decent range.

Notes: This build has bet­ter thrusters and a bet­ter FSD pro­vid­ing more com­fort while min­ing and when deliv­er­ing the goods to a sta­tion – per­fect when min­ing with or with­out fleet car­ri­er sup­port! Up to 5 col­lec­tor limpets will gath­er the mate­ri­als and deliv­er them to your refin­ery. Set your fuel scoop and frame shift dri­ve to pow­er pri­or­i­ty 2, you don’t need it when min­ing with hard­points extended.

Imperial Clipper //

Imperial Clipper

Core Miner Clipper

Overview: Car­ri­er-based core min­ing isn’t going to get bet­ter than this.

Notes: Even faster than the Python with the same car­go space. The big down­side is: this ship needs large land­ing pads, mean­ing you can’t sell every­where. Rec­om­mend­ed when unload­ing to a carrier.

Pur­chas­ing the Impe­r­i­al Clip­per requires achiev­ing an Impe­r­i­al Navy rank of Baron!