Pilots Trade Network Elite: Dangerous
An oldy but a goody, the RobiÂgo / SirÂius AtmosÂpherÂics pasÂsenÂger route remains an accesÂsiÂble and reliÂable way to earn decent amounts of credÂits and stock up on misÂsion-awardÂed engiÂneerÂing mateÂriÂals. The premise is simÂple: take a speÂcialÂly-built pasÂsenÂger Python to RobiÂgo Mines in the RobiÂgo sysÂtem, and use it to transÂport tourists to the SirÂius AtmosÂpherÂics tourist beaÂcon in SothÂis.
Overview: SpeÂcialÂly tuned for the preÂcise requireÂments of RobiÂgo Mines tourist misÂsions. The FSD can be replaced with an EngiÂneered FSD V1, purÂchased from Human Tech BroÂkers with a small handÂful engiÂneerÂing mateÂriÂals, which doesÂn’t require any EngiÂneer unlocks and costs less than engiÂneerÂing an FSD from scratch.
AlterÂnaÂtives: For the RobiÂgo route to be viable you need at least a 30ly jump range. The only alterÂnaÂtive to engiÂneerÂing is using a Guardian FSD BoostÂer.
ThankÂfulÂly it’s now easÂiÂer than ever to build a RobiÂgo Python, as the EngiÂneered FSD V1 can be purÂchased from Human Tech BroÂkers withÂout unlockÂing any actuÂal engiÂneers, and for fewÂer mateÂriÂals than it would require to engiÂneer an FSD from scratch. You’ll still need either this or the Guardian FSD BoostÂer though, and the GFSDB reduces your pasÂsenÂger capacity.
RobiÂgo builds balÂance the raw pasÂsenÂger capacÂiÂty of EconÂoÂmy Class cabÂins with the abilÂiÂty to transÂport highÂer payÂing pasÂsenÂgers in BusiÂness Class cabÂins. There’s no advanÂtage to takÂing any Class highÂer than Business.
The easÂiÂest way to get to RobiÂgo is to hitch a ride on a Fleet CarÂriÂer, though often these won’t be able to park in-sysÂtem as it’s so busy. A more accesÂsiÂble alterÂnaÂtive is to outÂfit a BubÂble Taxi or ExploÂration ship for long jump range (you can even re-use the FSD from your Python) and travÂel to Hauser’s Reach staÂtion in RobiÂgo, then transÂfer your Python to the staÂtion. From there, hop in your Python and fly to the RobiÂgo Mines outpost.
Because of the travÂel time involved, it’s best if you’re able to stay in RobiÂgo for a few play sesÂsions to maxÂimise the benÂeÂfit of your jourÂney over.
Now you’ve got your Python and transÂportÂed it to RobiÂgo Mines, here’s the procedure:
When you first start runÂning these misÂsions you won’t get paid too much, but as you build repÂuÂtaÂtion with the facÂtions at RobiÂgo Mines you will get offered more and betÂter misÂsions until you can earn in the region of 120M per hour if you optiÂmise for time. You can also choose the repÂuÂtaÂtion reward for the ImpeÂrÂiÂal-aligned facÂtion if you’d like to increase your ImpeÂrÂiÂal rank, or choose the Grade 5 mateÂriÂals rewards (ExquisÂite Focus CrysÂtals, Biotech ConÂducÂtors and ModÂiÂfied EmbedÂded Firmware) when availÂable if you need to stock up on mateÂriÂals for engineering.
PTN doesÂn’t offiÂcialÂly supÂport RobiÂgo runs, but you’re always welÂcome to head to our DisÂcord servÂer and ask any quesÂtions you may have in our Pilots Lounge.