Pilots Trade Network Elite: Dangerous
Wing Mining Missions (WMMs) are one of the best methods for making large amounts of credits in Elite Dangerous.
PTN maintains this operation to help you reach your goals in the game, but it only works if you understand a few things first.
1. The rules at the bottom of this channel are actively enforced so read the whole guide to understand how this works to avoid any disruptions. Things mentioned in the beginning may be explained better below.
2. We recommend you already have 1 billion credits in the bank to get started with WMMs. If you don’t have enough credits to get started, we recommend checking out our #🚛official-trade-alerts, #🤝affiliate-trade-alerts, and our #🍹booze-cruise-guide to get there fairly quickly first.
3. This process is only supported by PTN in the Live PC game mode. It is possible in Legacy/Console, however, PTN do not supply commodities or maintain the systems. Sorry legacy players.
4. Once you start to gather missions, we recommend you do not leave the system until you complete sharing. Doing so while holding missions can cause up to 9 very aggressive and persistent pirates per mission to spawn and follow you until the missions are fully completed or abandoned, or the pirates are killed.
5. You will gain access to the WMM discussion, WMM stock, and WMM share channels after completely reading this guide.
As you are building your reputation, you will begin to see WMMs offered by each faction.
Missions will have names such as “Mine xxx tons of xxx”, “Mining rush for xxx tons of xxx”, and “Blast out xxx tons of xxx”.
Your aim is to gather up to 20 of these mining missions for the following commodities:
Gold ~ 150–250 tons each
Silver ~ 300–450 tons each
Bertrandite ~ 600‑1000 tons each
Indite ~ 650‑1100 tons each
Mission rewards for ideal WMMs typically range from 30–50 million credits per mission. A full stack of twenty 50m missions is worth 1 billion credits in rewards.
Missions should give you 6–7 days to complete them.
Missions can spawn in the “All” and “Transportation” categories every 10 minutes of each hour (0:00, 0:10, 0:20, etc.) We recommend you check both categories.
You will see mining missions for other commodities, but we’ve determined they won’t work well for this operation. Be careful to not take any missions for Bromellite and Indium, they are easy to confuse with our supported commodities.
You will also see Source and Return missions with a box icon. They can have names such as “Bring us..”, “We need…” and “Industry Needs..”, and will generate for several commodities, including those that we do support. We highly recommend you do not accept these missions. They expire within 24 hours, spawn nasty pirates immediately in system, and typically demand amounts of commodities that would leave you with a net loss for the mission.
You can fulfill missions as you are gathering them, or you can wait until you have a full stack of 20 before hauling the commodities. After reading the guide you will be able to access our WMM-stock channel to see which carriers to visit to purchase commodities at each station.
1. Check the stock channel to determine which carrier you need to visit. It is recommended that you visit the closest carrier with the lowest amount of stock so that they can empty and reload faster.
2. Supercruise to the carrier and dock.
3. Purchase the amount of Gold/Silver/Indite/Bertrandite that you need.
Important note: There is a bug that causes commodities to not show in your cargo hold when purchased from a carrier. The commodities are actually there, and they will appear in your cargo hold when you reopen any market, including the one at the destination station.
4. Fly back to the Station.
5. Deposit the commodities in the mission depot, but do not pick a reward. Cancel out of the screen.
6. After hauling all of the commodities for your 20 missions and not choosing a reward, you are ready to share.
When sharing missions you have gathered, you must be docked at the station where you gathered the missions. If your missions are from multiple stations, you will need to travel to each station that you gathered missions from to finish sharing your stack.
1. Go to the mission tab on your left ship panel.
2. Scroll to the bottom of your missions until you find the last mission in the list for the station in which you are located.
3. Click “share mission”.
4. Immediately press your keybind for the communications (top) panel to look for the accept confirmations from each wing/team member. Alternatively, listen for the individual chimes, or coordinate via discord in chat or our #Mission Sharing voice channel to make sure everyone has accepted the mission. If you ever need to check who has accepted the mission yourself, exit and reenter the shared mission. Any CMDR that has not yet accepted will have “empty team slot” beneath their name.
5. Once everyone has accepted the mission, navigate to the “Completed Missions” menu on the station mission board.
6. Select the top mission from the list and verify it matches the mission you shared.
7. If it is correct, select a reward and turn in the mission.
8. Return to your left panel and select the next mission that is lowest on the list and repeat.
9. (Optional if you stacked at multiple stations): After sharing all missions at the station you are located, move to the other location to share those missions.
Q: How long does this take?
A: Mission spawn is heavily random. There can be periods of no missions for hours, and others of many missions in short spells. It can take several hours to several days to get 20 missions. Patience is a virtue with WMMs. Sharing typically takes at least 30 minutes once a group is formed, sometimes longer.
Q: Do I need to be in Odyssey or Horizons to do this?
A: You can stack missions in either Horizons 4.0 or Odyssey, they provide identical missions. Sharing is typically performed in Horizons to allow CMDRs without Odyssey to join the wing/team.
Q: Do I need to share with others?
A: The majority of the profits come from sharing with others. Every shared mission pays the full reward for each wing/team member. If you follow the guide, you will profit without sharing, but it will be significantly less.
Q: Do I need to collect 20 missions or can I share with fewer?
A: Depending on other’s preferences, you can sometimes share fewer than 20 missions. It can be helpful to share a partial stack when building reputation, for example, or if you are running out of time to collect a full 20.
Q: Can I gather missions at the other stations in system?
A: While you can find WMMs at the other stations in each system (Boas Terminal, Volk Dock, Dozois Terminal), we do not recommend that you stack using those stations. PTN does not supply commodities for these stations, and it causes extra inconvenience when hauling, stacking, and sharing for both you and those you share with.
Q: Why am I seeing low rewards or shorter deadlines for missions?
A: Either you are not fully allied rank with the offering faction, or your account may have a very low trade rank. As you build that rank, it will improve the mission rewards and duration that you receive
Q: I am an ACO, can I advertise WMM commodities?
A: No, WMM supply is restricted to Certified Carrier Owners only.
Stack (Building a stack, I have a stack)- A stack of 20 missions. People often refer to ~10 missions as a half stack, or a partial stack.
Share (Find a share, looking for a share) – A group of up to 4 CMDRs winging/teaming up in game to share missions with each other
Fully/Not yet hauled – The CMDR may have stacked 20 missions, but they might or might not have fulfilled their missions
RNG – Random number generation, a computerized way to imitate random chance which is used to spawn missions
1. DO NOT park any personal fleet carriers around any of the planetary bodies specified in our Discord guide. These bodies are reserved for P.T.N. carrier owners to provide the commodities for you to fulfill your missions. Parking personal carriers there will disrupt our ability to do this. If you do park there, consequences may range from a nudge from a Mod, a loss of access to our WMM channels, up to and including a full server ban.
Important: If you plan to bring a personal carrier into either of our systems do not plot in without choosing a body outside the restricted zone or you will risk ending up in a restricted zone and the consequences listed above.
2. Missions can only be shared in exchange for other missions from other CMDRs, or for free with nothing expected in return. No other form of ‘trading’ can take place. Do not exchange anything else. Any attempted buying/selling of WMM missions will result in a potential full server ban.
3. For missions gathered in for the faction Witou Guardians of Tradtion, select the Influence reward when available while cashing in. This helps PTN to maintain our ability to provide WMM support.
4. Please do your best to run EDMC (or a similar application) when possible while hauling to help our bots with market information. This helps us provide accurate stocks and a consistent supply of commodities. EDMC is available for download at https://github.com/EDCD/EDMarketConnector/
To gain access to the channels mentioned in this guide you first have to join the PTN discord server (https://discord.gg/ptn). Make sure to read the rules when you first join. Then locate the #🧾wmm-guide channel (It’s near the bottom of the list under the 💸Wing Mission Sharing section), then read the last message in that channel and use the button below it to gain access to the wmm channels.