Pilots Trade Network Elite: Dangerous

Specialist Builds

Imperial Courier //

Imperial Courier

Endgame Fast Surface Mission Courier

Overview: This heav­i­ly-engi­neered Couri­er build is all about speed: it’s quick to get you where you’re going, and quick to get out of dan­ger. It’ll eas­i­ly out­run any NPC ves­sel, but thanks to its great base shields (the best of any small ship) it can take a few hits if need­ed too. This is a great ship for run­ning a vari­ety of sur­face mis­sions or hop­ping from set­tle­ment to set­tle­ment for on-foot activities.

Strat­e­gy: Use its 825m/s boost to get quick­ly in and out of mass lock, and to escape pur­suers or angry set­tle­ment guns. If escap­ing a hos­tile set­tle­ment, put 4 pips to SYS and two to ENG and boost hor­i­zon­tal­ly as low as pos­si­ble, aim­ing to put ter­rain between you and the set­tle­ment. The mis­sile launch­er or SRV can be used to take out scav­engers but don’t get into a fight with any­thing with anti-ship capabilities!

Out­fit­ting: The SRV bay can be removed to fur­ther increase speed to 851 m/s (boost).

The Impe­r­i­al Couri­er requires the Impe­r­i­al Navy rank of Master!

Imperial Clipper //

Imperial Clipper

Manufactured Materials HGE Clipper

Overview: The Clip­per is beau­ti­ful, agile and fast, and its excep­tion­al super­cruise han­dling and large car­go capac­i­ty make it per­fect for instance-reset­ting to farm High Grade Emis­sions sources. Plus it has a decent jump range.

Use: Stock up on limpets, then go HGE hunt­ing for Man­u­fac­tured materials. 

Engi­neer­ing: The lev­el of engi­neer­ing linked is for those who want to real­ly eke out every inch of per­for­mance, but it’ll work just fine with no or lim­it­ed engi­neer­ing. Focus on the FSD and dri­ves – you won’t be see­ing any com­bat. For the FSD, use the Com­mu­ni­ty Goal reward pre-engi­neered FSD if you can (pur­chased from Human tech bro­kers) and add Mass Man­ag­er to it.

The Impe­r­i­al Clip­per requires the Impe­r­i­al Navy rank of Baron!

Anaconda //


Jumpconda Max

Overview: This Ana­con­da load­out is min­i­mal­is­tic but fea­tures the longest sin­gle jump range in the game. Ide­al to reach a far away spot in the fewest jumps pos­si­ble. This build is the result of min­i­miz­ing weight and max­i­miz­ing jump range at the cost of every­thing else! Note: uses the lim­it­ed avail­abil­i­ty pre-engi­neered 6A FSD award­ed by the Colo­nia Bridge Com­mu­ni­ty Goal, which is not present­ly avail­able to pur­chase in-game. A reg­u­lar 6A FSD will give 83.91 ly range when engi­neered with Increased Range and Mass Manager.

Alter­na­tives: for a slight­ly less memey, more usable build that sac­ri­fices a lit­tle jump range for the abil­i­ty to boost, minor shield­ing and a longer fuel range, see below.

Anaconda //


Jumpconda Lux

Overview: A more real­is­tic jump­con­da with some mod cons: the abil­i­ty to boost (…bare­ly), shields, assists, a DSS and a larg­er fuel tank. Use­ful as a bub­ble taxi or as a starter tem­plate for explo­ration. This build does not include the CG reward FSD but can be used with one for a nice jump range boost, if you have it.

Out­fit­ting: Con­sid­er using the full 5C fuel tank if going into the unknown.

Python //


Robigo Python

Overview: Spe­cial­ly tuned for the pre­cise require­ments of Robi­go Mines tourist mis­sions. The FSD can be replaced with an Engi­neered FSD V1, pur­chased from Human Tech Bro­kers with a small hand­ful engi­neer­ing mate­ri­als, which does­n’t require any Engi­neer unlocks and costs less than engi­neer­ing an FSD from scratch. Amount of pas­sen­ger cab­ins: 48 busi­neess + 48 econ­o­my class.

Alter­na­tives: For the Robi­go route to be viable you need at least a 30ly jump range. The only alter­na­tive to engi­neer­ing is using a Guardian FSD Boost­er.

Beluga Liner //

A Beluga type space ship approaching the landing pad in a burning station.

Beluga Liner


Overview: This Bel­u­ga brings a lot of cab­ins to evac­u­ate peo­ple from burn­ing sta­tions. The vast amount of heatsinks will allow the CMDR to keep a cool head while maneu­ver­ing in and out and the shield gen­er­a­tor will pro­tect the ship from debree. Help­ing to evac­u­ate peo­ple from sta­tions is a good way to gain rep­u­ta­tion with the impe­r­i­al or fed­er­al navy and to up your ranks in their lines (depend­ing on the fac­tion con­trol­ling the sta­tion). With each trip you will man­age to fit 168 peo­ple into the seats in your out­fit­ted econ­o­my class. With­out upgrad­ing the Jump range you might as well con­sid­er using anoth­er ship for fly­ing over and hav­ing the EVACULUGA trans­fered over to a near­by func­tion­al station.

Burn­ing sta­tions are the result of thar­goids’ or fac­tions’ attacks and as such are not avail­able at all times. Gal­Net arti­cles will men­tion them in their report about events in our galaxy. Inara will list them as well.

Alter­na­tives: Upgrad­ing the FSD and Thrusters to A grade and pos­si­bly engi­neer­ing them is a good option but not need­ed. There are enough heatsinks to get your­self through the mail­slot witout haste.

Type-10 Defender //

Type-10 Defender

AFK Type 10: No engineering

Overview: Type-10 Defend­er specif­i­cal­ly for use with AFK Mas­sacre Farm­ing. This ver­sion is unengineered.

Type-10 Defender //

Type-10 Defender

AFK Type 10: LOW EngineerING

Overview: Type-10 Defend­er specif­i­cal­ly for use with AFK Mas­sacre Farm­ing. This ver­sion uses the rec­om­mend­ed engineering.

Engi­neer­ing: You don’t need a lot of engi­neer­ing to be suc­cess­ful. This build will be more than suf­fi­cient 95% of the time, and you’re extreme­ly unlike­ly to encounter any rebuys. If you don’t have the guardian mod­ules list­ed, no prob­lem – just use Hull Rein­force­ment Pack­ages instead of Shield Rein­force­ments, and a reg­u­lar pow­er plant with enough engi­neer­ing to pow­er every­thing in the build.

Pips: Use 3÷0÷3 for best results.

Type-10 Defender //

Type-10 Defender

AFK Type 10: Max Engineering

Overview: Type-10 Defend­er specif­i­cal­ly for use with AFK Mas­sacre Farm­ing. This ver­sion uses the max­i­mum pos­si­ble engi­neer­ing. Com­plete overkill, but if you want the best… this is it.