Pilots Trade Network Elite: Dangerous
Overview: This heavÂiÂly-engiÂneered CouriÂer build is all about speed: it’s quick to get you where you’re going, and quick to get out of danÂger. It’ll easÂiÂly outÂrun any NPC vesÂsel, but thanks to its great base shields (the best of any small ship) it can take a few hits if needÂed too. This is a great ship for runÂning a variÂety of surÂface misÂsions or hopÂping from setÂtleÂment to setÂtleÂment for on-foot activities.
StratÂeÂgy: Use its 825m/s boost to get quickÂly in and out of mass lock, and to escape purÂsuers or angry setÂtleÂment guns. If escapÂing a hosÂtile setÂtleÂment, put 4 pips to SYS and two to ENG and boost horÂiÂzonÂtalÂly as low as posÂsiÂble, aimÂing to put terÂrain between you and the setÂtleÂment. The misÂsile launchÂer or SRV can be used to take out scavÂengers but don’t get into a fight with anyÂthing with anti-ship capabilities!
OutÂfitÂting: The SRV bay can be removed to furÂther increase speed to 851 m/s (boost).
The ImpeÂrÂiÂal CouriÂer requires the ImpeÂrÂiÂal Navy rank of Master!
Overview: The ClipÂper is beauÂtiÂful, agile and fast, and its excepÂtionÂal superÂcruise hanÂdling and large carÂgo capacÂiÂty make it perÂfect for instance-resetÂting to farm High Grade EmisÂsions sources. Plus it has a decent jump range.
Use: Stock up on limpets, then go HGE huntÂing for ManÂuÂfacÂtured materials.
EngiÂneerÂing: The levÂel of engiÂneerÂing linked is for those who want to realÂly eke out every inch of perÂforÂmance, but it’ll work just fine with no or limÂitÂed engiÂneerÂing. Focus on the FSD and driÂves – you won’t be seeÂing any comÂbat. For the FSD, use the ComÂmuÂniÂty Goal reward pre-engiÂneered FSD if you can (purÂchased from Human tech broÂkers) and add Mass ManÂagÂer to it.
The ImpeÂrÂiÂal ClipÂper requires the ImpeÂrÂiÂal Navy rank of Baron!
Overview: This AnaÂconÂda loadÂout is minÂiÂmalÂisÂtic but feaÂtures the longest sinÂgle jump range in the game. IdeÂal to reach a far away spot in the fewest jumps posÂsiÂble. This build is the result of minÂiÂmizÂing weight and maxÂiÂmizÂing jump range at the cost of everyÂthing else! Note: uses the limÂitÂed availÂabilÂiÂty pre-engiÂneered 6A FSD awardÂed by the ColoÂnia Bridge ComÂmuÂniÂty Goal, which is not presentÂly availÂable to purÂchase in-game. A regÂuÂlar 6A FSD will give 83.91 ly range when engiÂneered with Increased Range and Mass Manager.
AlterÂnaÂtives: for a slightÂly less memey, more usable build that sacÂriÂfices a litÂtle jump range for the abilÂiÂty to boost, minor shieldÂing and a longer fuel range, see below.
Overview: A more realÂisÂtic jumpÂconÂda with some mod cons: the abilÂiÂty to boost (…bareÂly), shields, assists, a DSS and a largÂer fuel tank. UseÂful as a bubÂble taxi or as a starter temÂplate for exploÂration. This build does not include the CG reward FSD but can be used with one for a nice jump range boost, if you have it.
OutÂfitÂting: ConÂsidÂer using the full 5C fuel tank if going into the unknown.
Overview: SpeÂcialÂly tuned for the preÂcise requireÂments of RobiÂgo Mines tourist misÂsions. The FSD can be replaced with an EngiÂneered FSD V1, purÂchased from Human Tech BroÂkers with a small handÂful engiÂneerÂing mateÂriÂals, which doesÂn’t require any EngiÂneer unlocks and costs less than engiÂneerÂing an FSD from scratch. Amount of pasÂsenÂger cabÂins: 48 busiÂneess + 48 econÂoÂmy class.
AlterÂnaÂtives: For the RobiÂgo route to be viable you need at least a 30ly jump range. The only alterÂnaÂtive to engiÂneerÂing is using a Guardian FSD BoostÂer.
Overview: This BelÂuÂga brings a lot of cabÂins to evacÂuÂate peoÂple from burnÂing staÂtions. The vast amount of heatsinks will allow the CMDR to keep a cool head while maneuÂverÂing in and out and the shield genÂerÂaÂtor will proÂtect the ship from debree. HelpÂing to evacÂuÂate peoÂple from staÂtions is a good way to gain repÂuÂtaÂtion with the impeÂrÂiÂal or fedÂerÂal navy and to up your ranks in their lines (dependÂing on the facÂtion conÂtrolÂling the staÂtion). With each trip you will manÂage to fit 168 peoÂple into the seats in your outÂfitÂted econÂoÂmy class. WithÂout upgradÂing the Jump range you might as well conÂsidÂer using anothÂer ship for flyÂing over and havÂing the EVACULUGA transÂfered over to a nearÂby funcÂtionÂal station.
BurnÂing staÂtions are the result of tharÂgoids’ or facÂtions’ attacks and as such are not availÂable at all times. GalÂNet artiÂcles will menÂtion them in their report about events in our galaxy. Inara will list them as well.
AlterÂnaÂtives: UpgradÂing the FSD and Thrusters to A grade and posÂsiÂbly engiÂneerÂing them is a good option but not needÂed. There are enough heatsinks to get yourÂself through the mailÂslot witout haste.
Overview: Type-10 DefendÂer specifÂiÂcalÂly for use with AFK MasÂsacre FarmÂing. This verÂsion is unengineered.
Overview: Type-10 DefendÂer specifÂiÂcalÂly for use with AFK MasÂsacre FarmÂing. This verÂsion uses the recÂomÂmendÂed engineering.
EngiÂneerÂing: You don’t need a lot of engiÂneerÂing to be sucÂcessÂful. This build will be more than sufÂfiÂcient 95% of the time, and you’re extremeÂly unlikeÂly to encounter any rebuys. If you don’t have the guardian modÂules listÂed, no probÂlem – just use Hull ReinÂforceÂment PackÂages instead of Shield ReinÂforceÂments, and a regÂuÂlar powÂer plant with enough engiÂneerÂing to powÂer everyÂthing in the build.
Note: Pips should be set to 3−0−3 before deployÂing your hardpoints.
Overview: Type-10 DefendÂer specifÂiÂcalÂly for use with AFK MasÂsacre FarmÂing. This verÂsion uses the maxÂiÂmum posÂsiÂble engiÂneerÂing. ComÂplete overkill, but if you want the best… this is it.
Note: Pips should be set to 3−0−3 before deployÂing your hardpoints.